Mgr. Mojmír Meduňa, Ph.D. |
- 4th Decembre 1974, in Frýdek Místek, Czech Republic
- 1981-1985
- primary school, Frýdek Místek, Czech Republic
- 1985-1989
- primary school, Dolní Věstonice, Czech Republic
- 1989-1993
- secondary grammar school, kpt. Jaroše, Brno
- 1993 - 1998
- Study of physics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Diploma thesis: "X-ray reflectivity on smooth silicon surfaces"
at the Department of Solid State Physics under supervision of prof. Václav Holý - 1998 - 2002
- Doctorate study at the Institute of Solid State
Physics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Ph.D. thesis: "X-ray reflectivity on laterally structured multilayers"
at the Department of Solid State Physics under supervision of prof. Václav Holý - 2002 - 2004
- work on EU projects as a post doctoral researcher in the x-ray group of prof. Günther Bauer
at the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, J.Keppler University, Linz, Austria - since July 2004
- research worker at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
- since January 2011
- also a researcher at the CEITEC - Functional Properties of Nanostructures, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
- August 1997
- one-week stay at the Institute of Physics of Czech Academy of Science in Prague
- June 1999-November 2001
- two four-weeks and one six-weeks stays at the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, in the group of prof. Günter Bauer
- Oktober 1999-April 2001
- in summary four one-week measurement periods at the synchrotron ESRF in Grenoble, France
- June 2001-September 2002
- research assistant at the Institute of Condense Matter Physics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
- March 2001, November 2001
- short research experiments at the Institute of Scientific Instruments, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno
- since December 2002
- a series of week experiments at european synchrotrons; ESRF in Grenoble, DESSY in Hamburg, BESSY in Berlin and SLS at PSI in Villingen
Structural studies of interface morphology of thin layers, semiconductor nanostructures and SiGe heterostructures,
using x-ray reflectivity and diffraction techniques, atomic force microscopy...
MS Windows, UNIX/Linux, TeX, LaTeX, MS Office, CorelDraw, Origin, GIMP,Gnuplot, programming in C++, Matlab, Maple and other ...
English and German fluently, Russian passive, Czech native