16.9 |
Intro |
23.9. |
Jan Budaj |
From disintegrating exoplanets to exoasteroids |
30.9. |
Cancelled |
7.10. |
Lenka Zychová |
Fyzici humanisté |
14.10. |
Jaroslav Merc |
Symbiotic binaries: A 100 year-old puzzle |
21.10. |
Laurent Eyer |
The variable stars as seen through the third Gaia Data Release |
28.10. |
Public Holiday |
4.11. |
Eleonora Gregor |
Measurement of C-12 fusion at sub-barrier energies with the STELlar LAboratory setup |
11.11. |
Gerald Handler |
Tidally tilted pulsators and their potential for astrophysics |
18.11. |
Cancelled |
25.11. |
Tomáš Tyc |
Nobelova cena za fyziku 2022 |
2.12. |
Christian Schubert |
9.12. |
16.12. |
Schůze UTFA |