Study materials

During the course of my bachelor and master studies, I have assembled materials for some of the courses that I took at the Faculty of science Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. Naturally, these notes could not have been created without the help of my classmates!

Code Name link
F1421 Basic mathematical methods in physics 1 - autumn 2014 (Základní matematické metody ve fyzice 1) pdf
F2070 Electricity and magnetism - spring 2012 (Elektřina a magnetismus) pdf
F2252 Elements of astronomy 2 - spring 2012 (Základy astronomie 2) pdf
F2422 Basic mathematical methods in physics 2 - spring 2015 (Základní matematické metody ve fyzice 2) pdf
F3100 Oscillations, waves, optics - autumn 2012 (Kmity vlny optika) pdf
F4090 Electrodynamics and theory of relativity - spring 2013 (Elektrodynamika a teorie relativity) pdf
F4100 Introduction to Microphysics - spring 2013 (Úvod do fyziky mikrosvěta) pdf
F4120 Theoretical mechanics - autumn 2012 (Teoretická mechanika) pdf
F4160 Vacuum physics 1 - spring 2015 (Vakuová fyzika 1) pdf
F5030 Basic Quantum Mechanics - autumn 2013 (Základy kvantové mechaniky) pdf
F6040 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics - spring 2014 (Termodynamika a statistická fyzika) - thx to Vlado Domček pdf LateX
F6450 Vacuum physics 2 - autumn 2015 (Vakuová fyzika 2) pdf
F6550 Structure and evolution of Universe - spring 2014 (Stavba a vyvoj vesmiru) pdf
F7070 Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics - autumn 2014 (Statistická fyzika a termodynamika) pdf
F7567 Structure and kinematics of galaxies - autumn 2014 (Struktura a kinematika galaxií) pdf
F7600 Physics of stellar atmospheres - spring 2015 (Fyzika hvězdných atmosfér) pdf
F8370 Present-day methods in physical modelling - spring 2015 (Moderní metody modelování ve fyzice) pdf
FSM01 Brief notes on the exam for master's degree My notes
Notes about the least squares method My notes F2182

Heidelberg University

Code Name
MKTP2 Theoretical Astrophysics
MVAstro2 Galactic and extragalactic astronomy - in prep.

Useful links